Current Research Studies in Progress
Before I begin a research study, I work with my research team and colleagues to determine the research questions and the scope of our project.
When I’ve committed to a project, I get approval from the Institutional Review Board at Montclair State University and then seek to recruit participants for the study.
When the study uses a quantitative design, I (along with my collaborators) develop the measures/survey and launch it using Qualtrics. When the study uses a quantitative design, we develop the interview or focus group questions and set up and conduct the interviews.
Following data collection, we clean the data (quantitative) or transcribe the data (qualitative) and use software to analyze the data (e.g., SPSS, Nvivo, Dedoose).
When we’ve completed our analyses, we draft the manuscript and prepare to submit it for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
Estrangement in Adoption Focus Groups
Conceptualization: Completed
Recruitment: Completed
Focus Groups Data Collection: Completed
Data Analysis: In progress
Adoption Microaggressions
Conceptualization: Completed
Recruitment: Completed
Focus Groups Data Collection: Completed
Data Analysis: In progress
Drafting Manuscript: In progress
Reculturation Scale Development
Conceptualization: Completed
Recruitment: Completed
Survey Data Collection: Completed
Data Analysis: Completed
Drafting Manuscript: In progress